on a high note. You ever have one of those days where you just got ticked off at everything and everyone? For no reason? Well, that’s the way it was yesterday. One of the numb-brains at the plantation made a couple of mistakes that took most of the day to correct and as usual, the buck never stops where it started, just here. Just a bad day.
Fortunately, at the end of bad days, I can return to the trailer and chill because SU still loves me. Unless I keep referring to it as a trailer – she informed me the other day that she doesn’t like me referring to the homestead as a trailer or Shoreacres as the trailer park. So, I promised not to do it again. Until I do.
Anyways, I made up a big pot of chili sans beans (global warming you know), she rented a movie on her way to the trailer (ha) and we just chilled. Whilst we were devouring the chili, she answered the phone, looked at me funny and said it was someone asking for Bigjolly, rolling her eyes all the while.
Turns out it was DB from LST to confirm an email conversation from last week inviting me to join the fray. He was laughing, asked me if she knew my nick was Bigjolly. Oh, yes, she knows, I told him, she was there at 3 am on 6th Street in Austin when a gorgeous black transvestite in a white mini-skirt gave me that moniker. Didn’t tell him about the back half of the name that I dropped. We talked, closed the six-figure deal and said goodbye.
Life is (still) good.
I had a similar incident about 20 years ago. Only I didn’t get a nickname out of the encounter, the black transvestite wasn’t gorgeous, and it was in my first (and last) trip to Bourbon Street. But I’ll always remember what he/she asked me: “Would you take me home witch you tonight, Honey?”