political test. JM sent it to me and it is pretty interesting. Here is a copy of my results, proves I’m pretty bland, I think. I would have thought I would have been further right and further libertarian than this shows. Like I said, pretty interesting. So, what does your’s show?
update 11:30 am: I had no idea that I had a friend that was a communist pinko. Plot this one boys and girls: Economic Left/Right: -5.13, Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.31. What is your score?
update 11:58 am: Upon further reflection, the communist pinko tag doesn’t work. Yes, the economic score fits, but the social score is opposite communist beliefs, ie., state should rule all. Hmm, such a dilemma. What label fits?
jm says
However misused and misunderstood, “Liberal” is ok. Actually I prefer “Progressive”, but it just hasn’t taken hold yet.