unexpected problems at the plantation and surgery for Pop, I’d have to say it was pretty good.
Never know what’s going to happen when you run a plantation, do you? Nope. Vacations and employees (habitually) late on Monday mornings forces a little Semper Gumby. Not to worry, there’s always Tuesday, right?
Pop had a fairly complicated procedure done on his back today and, thus far, has come through with flying colors. Wasn’t real sure how he would do after 3 hours on the table but we walked around the pod within 3 hours of him waking up. The medical profession today is an interesting paradox – space age procedures, stone age customer service. Unless your spouse happens to be an executive in the field and deft at moving stones. Then it is very sweet.
And not only is said exec a stone mover, she is also one that understands the human psyche. Thus, the Bigjolly is alone at home tonight while the exec is sleeping in a chair at the big hospital. After a nice evening with her at the remote kitchen, of course.
Sometimes I wonder about humanity in the US. I think that the pastor had it pegged last night talking about dead men walking. Sometimes, you notice a gross injustice and bring it up, thinking that others will think about it, only to find the usual, self-serving comments. Either they don’t quite get it, ignore it, bring up other non-related perceived injustices or, in one case, post a crude joke. Makes you wonder. Late.
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