when I’m in a funk by the number of posts I type on Bigjolly. I had a reader contact me today to inquire if my calendar was broken, I had to explain that it wasn’t broken, it’s an archive calendar and is correct only if I’m posting frequently. Which, of course, I haven’t been.
Many reasons, I suppose. It comes and goes in cycles, the amount of stuff I’m willing to put up about my personal life. I’ve had no problem posting elsewhere, observing things around me. But to speak of personal stuff is very different.
For instance, I’ve been neglecting to thoroughly do my daily studies, letting both CH and LB down. That isn’t a lot of fun to admit but it’s certainly true. And not studying in depth creates other problems, all related to distancing myself from the Holy Spirit, not letting Him have complete control.
Had a great day Saturday, smoked a 14 lb. brisket, a rack of pork ribs, a mess of beef ribs and a couple of chicken breasts. I must admit, I have this down to a science, perfect 3/16″ smoke ring on the brisket, nice bark on the flat, very juicy, no bitter smoke taste. The pork ribs weren’t my best ever, they were a last minute addition without proper seasoning methods. But tasty nonetheless, it is hard to beat plain salt/pepper on the brisket portion of the spareribs rack.
Class yesterday was interesting. I had asked one of the guys to lead the discussion, giving me a break. Alas, his wife showed up with a bunch of paperwork he had done in preparation but he wasn’t going to be able to make it. He did an awful lot of work, bet he was disappointed. I could feel his passion for the material as I read through it. Luckily I had read the lesson material daily and was able to make an effort at leading the discussion. The guys seemed to really appreciate the work that DB had put into his material.
Felt good singing in worship. I had decent range, could go up or down with ease. Nice when that happens, which isn’t often the older I get.
Our church had an open house/fall festival thing in the evening. Tons of food, fellowship and games for the kids. A lot of people from the neighborhood came, it’s a very good outreach.
Talked to CH a bit this afternoon, I’ve really let him down. Need to pick that back up and make sure he knows that I’m still there anytime, anywhere he needs me. He might be doubting that a bit as I’ve stopped calling him daily.
Oh, and had an extra date night last week to make up for the disaster earlier. Nothing quite like making up!
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