going to be joking much today. Man, this hurts. I’ve pulled muscles in my back before by twisting the wrong way and such but never anything like this. It did help to go to the chiropractor yesterday but as usual, not for long. Hey, I was able to sleep, that was nice. But this morning, oh this morning, wow.
Alarm goes off and I try to get up. Ain’t happening. Weird. Okay, so I’ll roll over and swing my legs off the bed. Nope. I’ll push myself up with my arms, then scoot off the side. Nope. At this point I’m searching my memory for any 24 hour rental stores. That have cherry pickers. Couldn’t think of any, so I continued, inch by inch, to the side of the bed. Whew, made it. Now to stand up. Can’t. Yes, I can. Thankfully SU got up and turned the alarm off, I was reaching for the gun. Somehow, I finally was able to stand, then to “walk”, then to move a little. Have you ever thought about the complexity of motion it takes to wash your feet while you are in the shower?
So anyways, I made it to work. This is not fun. Growing old I mean. Oh, there are some benefits and I certainly wouldn’t go back but………this part sucks.
Hmmmm….perhaps age has nothing to do with the pain you are experiencing…how about doing too much too quick??? Now that’s a thought! If you did that kind of “work” on a daily basis, not only would the pain be eliminated…think of the “cut” you would have!! Woo Hoo!! A buffed Big Jolly for sure! Naw, you wouldn’t want that…too much drooling while you tool down the street on the cycle!
Thank you. Wow. What an awesome motivational tool. You’re fat, you’re ugly, you’re the bigjolly. Oh, yes, I should work out daily. Thanks. I went to the MD today and obtained drugs. You know, the kind that make up for a sedentary lifestyle. Again, thanks for the reminder. Perhaps tomorrow I can walk.
Oh dear….egg on face..Big Jolly is not fat nor ugly. Nor does Big Jolly have a sedentary life style. Big Jolly does not lift hundreds of heavy stones on a daily basis. If Big Jolly did that, there would be no need to have prescribed meds or the services of the chiropractor…Big Jolly would be used to that. that’s all. Big Jolly is just fine as big Jolly is today.