I had stumbled across a blog called Orthodixie. It is pretty refreshing to read plain talk about Christianity, something that I think is sorely lacking in our faith.
For example, he talks plainly and simply about abortion. Most treatise on this subject dance around the core issue, using the standard “shades of gray” argument to allow themselves to buy into the world’s position that it’s okay. At least sometimes.
Forget about it, says the priest. It is sin. It is an abomination. Simple as that.
Check it out here: The ‘N’ Word
Wanting a quick fix for everything the worldly mantra rings out “No pain! No struggle! No accountability!”
All life belongs to God and those whose individual actions lead to the destruction of innocent life place themselves before God.
I’ve never heard anyone say, “I’m Pro-Choice” when it comes to taking the Lord’s name in vain. And although adultery is as old as the hills, how many Christians ever say “I’m Pro-Choice” when it comes to sleeping around? “I’m Pro-Choice” when it comes to pornography?
Christians should not be afraid to speak the truth in love. Actually, where God is concerned, truth & love are synonymous.
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