hasn’t it? Well, lots and not much of things going on. Suppose I’m fully recovered from the black hole I was in, at least for a little while.
So much, so little, hmm….well, Ms. Miers dropped out today. I think probably that is a good thing, although no telling what the shrub will do next. I heard someone, maybe Savage??, satirizing his next pick, a guy he met in line at the store, didn’t know anything about him but he had a good feeling about him and he always trusts his feelings. Pretty funny, whoever it was doing it. On top of that mess (hey, at least he cleaned it up), he’s got every weirdo left wing nutcase jumping up and down thinking they have won something. You know, if it weren’t for the people on the left, I could maybe be a lefty, but that camp is just too strange for me.
As for the home life, it is still in a transitional state. 1 is having a tough time adjusting to the pace (slow) and the time it takes to get a job (again, slow). 2 never calls, so who knows what is up there. Jr keeps tearing stuff up, digging holes to China, etc. Sr has learned she likes Spam and wishes another storm would threaten us so I would buy more. SU is just SU, takes things on the chin and just keeps getting up.
Church is good, although I major sucked at playing the guitar last Sunday. I’m not sure why other than that my mind was about 3 bars in front of my fingers. Put out another newsletter, went visiting, talked to new guys and shook hands on Wednesday. Pretty enjoyable stuff for the most part, once I get past the urge to run and hide in the corner. I have a feeling we’ll have good attendance in class this week.
How ’bout dem Astros? Lights out Lidge?
yes… lidge is out! but so is that other guy… the one that replaced clemens, i think his name is rodreguize or martineze but the guy CHOKED under pressure… blah for both of them, we need 3 new pichters, replace lidge, rookie boy and incase clemens is still hurting!!!
I’m really not a sports fan of any time but ya gotta be proud that the ‘stros made it as far as they did for the first time!
Way to go ‘stros! Brought some more positives to our great city! good bye Lidge! Big raise for Backe!