have started, I suppose. Although I don’t think this is the big one I’ve been thinking about. The guy in charge wants to talk to me, that’s always a thrill, you know the drill, now what? Ok, well, seems in an effort to get some of the new members involved, one of them is a computer whiz, hey, why not let him have the website? Yeah, yeah, I get it, it is mickey mouse, I know. And it just so happens that the person that made the mickey mouse comment came up with….oh, I don’t care. I suppose I do or I wouldn’t have jotted it down, but really, I’m not a computer whiz and I don’t have time to learn the things needed to put video on or whatever. Plus, what the heck, I won’t have to pay for it any longer. I could do the conspiracy thing all day long but in the end, it will be better for the church if someone that knows what they are doing takes it over. Enthusiasm, as emotion, only gets you so far. I’ll make the transition smooth, I’m very good at that.
So, then, what is the change? Still unsure.
The site is not mickey mousey…yes it is good to get others involved but NOT at the risk of damaging the enthusiasm of others…particulary ones who are fully servicing this ministry..