day today! Wow, a warm 80 degrees, sunshine, clear skies. Totally awesome.
Pop and I went to Camera Co-op to get a part for his flash, then to Lankford’s for lunch. Man, their burgers are the bomb. Passed by the junk shop but didn’t stop. Good trip downtown.
After that I stopped by Bethany House to visit a guy that comes to my class sometimes. He’s got drug problems amongst other things but I really like the guy. He’s the one that did the sidewalk at Pop’s house last year. At first I wasn’t sure if he wanted me there but after a few minutes he warmed up and it was clear that he was very happy I came. I think he’ll be at church tomorrow, who knows. He gets plenty of religion, they have 2 Pentecostal type services there every day and are mandatory. He’s actually there on a voluntary basis, not court ordered. He decided that he couldn’t keep living like he was (crack) and thought that by living at a place with strict rules, it would help. He’s really trying and I feel for him. Perhaps he can get it together, although I think it’s a long shot.
When I got home, I took the Buddy boy for a walk, just enjoying the weather. SU had to work today, her once a quarter Saturday, so the house is really empty. Late.
people can change. but only when they want to. its a good step that he’s there voluntarily.