a very long and VERY HOT day! Left the house around 11 am and arrived home shortly before midnight. Doesn’t sound so long you say, but trust me, driving 5 hours each way to a wedding that is held outside in the middle of a heat wave up in the heart of the Hill Country makes for a very long day. Never been to a wedding that was held in a cave before (yes, a real cave, complete with bats). But it was a beautiful wedding and the oldest sib of our best childhood friends is now a married woman. Wow.
So, if you want to have a wedding inside a cave, all you need to do is check in at the Bat Cave. No, seriously, it is called Longhorn Cavern State Park, which is just outside of Burnet, TX. Just pick a time earlier in the spring or late in the fall and all should be well. Comes complete with a guided tour of a deep cave after the vows are made.
Feeling better today, guess I can put the obit away for now. And the mail order spouse directory that I gave SU. Funny how your health affects everything around you.
Hoping for a good discussion this morning, topic is Kindness. To be honest, I never thought much about it before this week but it is a very interesting subject. You think you know the meaning just by absorption but when you study and think about it, it pretty much changes your view of how Kindness relates to Christ. I put up a couple of quotes about it over at the Open Door. Probably the most interesting discovery for me was how Jesus touched different people in the exact area that their friends, neighbors and relatives let them down.
Gotta go. Late.
Great insight on kindness, David. We really should take the time to be kind, especially to those who don’t even know they need it. Thanks for continuing to share.