an entire week has gone by without a post. Not that I haven’t had anything to say, just been saying it elsewhere. Plus I’ve been working on changing this site, which is one of the reasons it takes a few seconds longer to load. I’m redirecting it to sub-folder until I’m ready to go with a new installation.
So, what happened last week? Well, Sunday was very good, we’ve started a new four week study and it went well in discussion. Different opinions are always fun when you are sitting in a group of 12-14 men. Attendance has been pretty good but with different people. If they all came on the same day, we wouldn’t fit in the room, a good problem, I suppose. But I think I prefer 8 or so for the small groups.
RO was out all week tending to his mother and the funeral and such. The plantation was slow so I really didn’t notice his absence except for the camaraderie part.
SU went down to the Valley for 3 days to help them get back in the black. I saw something this week about collections, with illegals being more likely to pay than uninsured citizens. I had to smile because I know it is a fact but couldn’t chime in the conversation with proprietary numbers. Some day people will see the light.
RSa couldn’t make it to the Wednesday evening bible study, so I filled in there. Had fun, I like doing that once in a while because it brings me joy and that joy is contagious. Made for a nice mid-week break.
SU came in Thursday evening and we met at the remote for a nice dinner. I love that girl. After 26 years of marriage plus 2 courting, I still felt the need to spruce up and look nice for her. Cool.
Last night, we watched a great movie, Beyond the Gates (called Shooting Dogs in the rest of the world). Wow. What a movie. It is about the genocide that took place in Rwanda in 1994 and for me is about a thousand times better than Hotel Rwanda, which I liked. But this movie is too real and for me, took me much closer to the characters and the horror of what happened.
Where was I in 1994 that this was such a non-event for me? Climbing the ladder and partying while SU struggled with the kids. It’s a shame really and I prayed last night that I would never be that disconnected from the real world again.
This is a true story about a school compound that was protected by the UN until they were told to move out. The scene that stayed in my mind the longest last night was the exodus from the school compound. Only the Europeans were allowed to leave on the trucks.
As they pulled out, one of the main characters asked the head of the UN mission to please shoot everyone before they left so that they would not be macheted to death. When told no, he begged the guy to please execute just the children to spare them the pain. Again, no. One last time he asked him to please, spare the children the pain of dying by machete. Again, the answer was no.
As the last truck pulled out, the Hutu’s stormed the school and hacked 2,500 people to death. Men, women, children and babies.
While I was worried about my next bottle of Crown and a bump of Grand Marnier. Damn shame.
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