That is the number of spam emails I received over the weekend. Incredible. Someday I’ll browse through them and see what it is I’m missing.
It was, on the whole, a good Sunday. Class was full again, even the 3 visitors from the week before came back. Probably hoping for a repeat goin’ postal thing but it wasn’t to be. Decent discussion about what happens when things go bad in a persons life. Each time we discuss stuff like this, it gives me new insight into the men in the class. One of the guys is 53 and I was wondering what his story was, why he’s been out of church all these years. Now I have a better understanding and perhaps will deal with his problems a little differently.
Speaking of problems at church, it occurs to me that the reason we see so many stories about hypocrites at church is because where else would they be? I mean, the church, by definition, is a place of refuge for people that are suffering. So why does it seem to surprise so many people when a church member falls?
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