That is what it cost to fill up today. It’s a good thing the tanks weren’t empty. I told you this whole gas thing was against me personally.
Nice to see that people care about me when I’m not quite right. And, BTW BD, I know what happened in my early childhood that makes me so strange. My older brother and sisters locked me out of the house and made me stand in the rain. Naked, if I recall correctly. Haven’t heard much about the neighbors and their scars from seeing that but it sure ‘nuf got to me.
I felt much better towards the end of the week, perhaps it is lifting. The cooler weather is nice, very nice. Don’t much care for cold weather, but cool weather is great (don’t much like the rain, though).
Lalalala…..lalalala…..lalalala… you know that rythmn? Bet NW has heard it before.
Goodness, but my memory completely fails me on that one!! I guess it had to have been when we lived on Chariton street? That’s the last place I remember living before the family moved to that little place below Alvin..can’t remember where it was, but dad had a home for boys there. Anyway, I’m surprised mom or dad didn’t severly discipline Sharon and I for such a dastardly deed!! I do hope you’ve forgiven us by now!
Sharon, do you remember this event?
Ah, yes, I do remember the boys home. I especially remember SC protecting me from a couple of jv’s after they had me pinned down (happened often at that place). Here comes SC with Mama’s favorite cookie pan and started beating them over the head! So cool. I wouldn’t let Mama throw that pan away for years, dents and all!
And I’d do it again in a heartbeat…only now it would be with my wheelchair instead of a biscuit pan! You really are LOVED, BroDave, so let that thought get you thru the depressing moments. If ever I can be of help, the number is 713 553 6603.
BTW, the town was Liverpool, Tx
Oh dear me…I have no recollection of putting any of the siblings out in the rain…let alone in the buff…me thinks Bro#2 is messing with me mind??? Well do forgive me for doing such a thing…where you at least singing in the rain?? And do tell why we would have done that???
Shame on us!!
Recollection? The only recollection I have is that I was a saint in childhood, so obviously it had something to do with the older teens in the house. I also remember something about a Ms. Anderson but I probably shouldn’t go there…..
Of course, BT might disagree with my recollection of sainthood…….but then I can always say that I was just doing what I was taught!
How did I ever marry into such a crazy family? Been it so long now if feels normal.
I should proof before hitting send…I’ve been in the family so long now that it feels normal.
Oh, my, are we not normal???!! I’m SHOCKED!!
I’m glad Sharon didn’t remember the “incident” either!! And I can’t tell you how “blessed” I feel to have a “Saint” in the family!! Notice, David, that I didn’t disagree with your being a saint!! Oh, I’ll bet mother could enlighten us all to the truth if she were here! And Cherry, wouldn’t a hammer or some other object have been more effective??!! I DO remember when Sharon was a mere 4 or so years old, that she took a hammer to a little girl’s head in Corpus Christi!! I guess THAT’S when I REALLY learned to respect her!! HA!! No hammers on me, thank you!
I am still pondering putting Bro#2 in the buff outdoors…now that would have been something I would do, of course, but Bro#1, Never, never, never! And we all know that Bro#2 was my little Prince whom I spoiled very very rotten! Dressed him up, had his hair style..and he was only 6 or so! Go figure!
Still thinking…….
Saint??? Hmmmmmm…I think I’ll just plead the 5th. As for Bro#2 being in the buff outdoors, the only incident that I remember was once when Mom & Dad went on one of their trips to Mexico. I had the “privilege” of staying home with Bro#2 and even more “privileged” watching him & his buddies stick their bare butts out the car windows as we drove around town. Talk about being scarred for life!
Big Jolly – how do you like how we have taken over your blog! Must be that sibling thing!
I am still thinking about being a meanie and tossing you out in the buff! How old were you??
You see, somehow, I think things have become confused..SURELY “I” was the saint, and #2 just got a bit mixed up. But of course, on second thought, we ALL know I’m no saint!! And poor, poor Tim..scarred for life by naked butts out the window. Oh, my, what a sight that must have been!
After reading Uncle Tim’s post, I’d say Uncle Dave was far from scarred by the “incident”…sounds like he couldn’t wait to take his “show” on the road. 😉
And I’m still trying to name that tune at the end of Big Jolly’s post. (???)