passed by. Turned out to be a very good weekend all around. Managed to get a couple of things done around the house, we can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel. Need to purchase a new dining room set and a few decorating touches, install the shower door and hang pictures. Then we’ll tackle the upstairs.
Class was very good yesterday. We discussed finding God’s will and it went very well. At first I felt like I was bombing out but then the guys started picking up the slack. Didn’t come close to finishing the material but I think I was able to make the points that I thought were important.
We discussed six myths about finding God’s will and my favorite was the Misery Myth. Some people think that unless they are absolutely miserable, they could not possibly be following God’s will. Nothing could be further from the truth! God wants us to be happy and fulfilled. If we are following the lead of the Holy Spirit, we cannot be anything but!
I gave a dumb example but it was the only thing that popped up at the time. Lots of people take on tasks at the church that they are unprepared for, unequipped for and not called to do. But they take on these tasks because they see a need that is not being filled, or they think that they “should” be doing it or they see a little glory in it for them.
And they are completely miserable while doing it. We must remember that we are, as Paul described, members of a body. It is as if a hand were to jump into a shoe and be comfortable walking up a mountain. Eventually, you might get the job done, but it will be a chore and take far longer than if the foot was in the shoe and the hand was pulling a rope or something. Yeah, I know, dumb but I got the point!
After church we went to Monterey with Pop and B2 for lunch. They are now stocking Coca-Cola bottles from Mexico, they are so much better. It was a nice lunch and I like that B2 has now become the regular fill-in when the pianist or organist is out.
LB was called in to work on Saturday and we missed our normal time for the weekly recap. Made up for it after church Sunday night. We stayed and met in our classroom for about an hour and a half. These studies and the weekly recaps are great for us. I can see change and stability in each one of us. CH is doing very well and LB is learning a lot. I get the feeling that LB is being called to a bigger task within the church, just don’t know what it is.
This spider set up shop by our window Friday. SU wanted me to remove him and kill him but I talked her into letting me take a picture the next morning. As luck would have it, he was completely gone Saturday morning! Web and all. SU thought I went ahead and got rid of him but I didn’t. Then lo and behold, he was back Sunday morning in a different location, this time with a much bigger web. Cool.
…looks like a banana spider, beneficial, don’t kill him unless she makes you…
Thanks, Adam, I tried to tell her the spider wasn’t harmful!
i’m glad you got rid of it… that spider scared me half to death!
The spider is awesome…I am sure you could get $500. for it…no doubt!