Thursday night has rescued me from the abyss. Very nice evening with the girl I love, including but not limited to bacon wrapped grilled shrimp stuffed with cheese and jalapeno’s, a frozen beverage or two (how do you drink frozen stuff?) and watching One Night With The King, the story of Esther, which happens to be the focus of this months series of lessons.
So, all is well. But I really should back away from the keyboard because of stuff like this. Unfreakin’ believable.
Texas Baptist leaders are working to block Republican Gov. Rick Perry’s plan to speed the approval process for 18 new coal-fired power plants — an unusual move because the largest national Baptist organization officially opposes environmental activism.
Now, call me deaf, dumb and blind but I have read through that old book and I’ve never, ever read the part where Jesus tells me to go out and spread the good news of environmental activism. Pisses me off. If our church is contributing to this organization, it will stop today or I’ll find a new group of believers to worship with. Ideals are like that sometimes, creating tension and conflict unless you compromise your beliefs, watering them down in order to get along. There will be no compromise for me on this one.
hamous says
I’ve seen many left-leaning Christians quote some of Jesus’ parables as proof that God is green. They find any scripture that even mentions an animal or plant such as “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that someone took and sowed in his field; it is the smallest of all the seeds, but when it has grown it is the greatest of shrubs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches. – Matthew 13:31-32” as proof. All it proves to me is that they are clueless and have missed the message of the parable entirely. They want God Lite. I am surprised that Baptists are buying into this now.
Bigjolly says
You’re surpised? How do you think that hit me? Geez, my money has been used for this group. Sucks to be me.
fasternu426 says
I’ve been checking out some of the liberal Christian groups lately and find them VERY dangerous. Their message is sold easily when they trow God in an mix him up with “feel good” ideology. One group to check out and keep an eye on is the Sojourners. That Wallace guy is pretty influentual in Dhimmicrat circles. He’s an old hippy from the early 70’s that preaches “liberation theology”, Marxist Christians.
Bigjolly says
I haven’t heard much about liberation theology since it was the darling child years ago in S. America. I’ll check it out. Thanks for the tip.
fasternu426 says
BTW I’ve been posting on their blog (since LST’s HAL eats all my posts now! and these guys have no sense of humor whatsoever! They have the thinnest skin and zero tolerance. Disagree with them and see how quick they say “abide by the rules of conduct you agreed to”. Go be a troll (a nice one) on their site for a while and see how funny they get. One to look at is the thread on the girl wearing the breast cancer t shirt and the global warming thread. The blog is called God’s Politics (like God wants to run for office). I bet they could find and shoehorn a bible verse to excuse Stalin’s purges!
fasternu426 says
Speaking of this topic, there’s an article on the Sojourners blog about Gov Perry, the Baptists and coal fired plants.
It’s titled “Texans that Molly Ivins Would Love”
Here’s part of a posted comment from the blog:
“The KKK is proof that Republicans and Baptist interbreed.”
by butch.
I bet you’d have fun with them! Heeeheeeeheeeee….
Bigjolly says
Like I said, sucks to be me today.
Hamous says
Besides working with Reagan to help end communism in eastern Europe, one of Pope John Paul II’s greatest accomplishments was purging the “liberation theologist” priests from the Catholic Church. It was primarily a problem in the Americas and they were closely associated with socialists and communists.
Bigjolly says
Yes, he did and I appreciated that very much. I kinda like that guy, he was a trailblazer. I remember the LT folks pushing violence and he was pretty much the only guy willing to say, hey, wait a minute. WWJD. Funny how different people influence your life.