again. Dadgummit, why, why, why? I wish all people would stop using religion to make money. Especially my religion. You know, the one where the guy people follow didn’t have a penny to His name? Yes, that’s right, the guy that depended upon the generosity of others for his very subsistence (after leaving his trade)?
People simply have no conscience, whether it is Jay Sekulow, Susan O’Donnell, Jim Baker, Jimmy Swaggert, Pat Robertson, Robert Tilton, Robert Schuller (1 & 2) and on and on and on. Heck, you can throw in Jerry Falwell for all I care. And Joel Osteen.
I really do not like Christianity being integrated into our government. Sorry, folks, that’s just the way I think. Do you really think it is necessary to have a law requiring school prayer? What if Abdul Ali-Shbazz is the principal of that school? Or how about pushing the slogan, “How can you go to church on Sunday and vote Democrat on Tuesday?”? Frankly, when a politician tells me that he is a Christian and will vote the right way, I tend to run away as fast as possible. And I’m not doubting that he is a Christian, I just worry about what that means.
Go ahead, send Jay Sekulow a donation. I especially like his line that says he could go out and bill $750/hr as a private lawyer if he wanted to. Well, then, do it!!! Just do it. Oh, yes, I forget, you are instead doing God a favor by forgoing that route. And actually having to work hard. Instead, go jump in your leased jet (leased with donations), fly to a good golf course (I hear there are a few in South Carolina), pay your fees (with donations), enjoy your round of golf with the “friends” you’ve invited (actually they are just acquaintances that you think might help you at some point), pay for their rounds (with donations) and then go relax at Morton’s (again, paying for it with donations). After a rough flight home in your private jet (remember, leased with donations), you can relax in one of your 3 homes (again, paid for by donations). Just before bedtime, send out an email to your mailing list telling them that it is urgent that they send in money to support your efforts to get God back into the government (the Amex bill is due next week). God is just so happy that you are on His side!!!
Scum. Late.
You and I see eye to eye on integrating religion into government. I’ve debated with people till I was blue in the face that it’s no different than what “they” do “over there.”
Don’t lie, don’t cheat, and don’t kill…those are the only commandments I can think of that belong in the law books. We shouldn’t be held accountable to uphold the other 7 by “the shrub.” (love that nickname, by the way….lol)
Anyway, I’ll stop there before I end up on a soap box, after all, this is the house that “Jolly” built. 😉
That was supposed to be “don’t lie, don’t steal, don’t kill”…..oops. 🙂
What was it our founding fathers used to build the foundation of America???? Hmmmmmmm…….I think I will get out the history books and take a refresher course!
Now, Missy, you’re going to get into trouble!! The “sarcasm” was great though! You’re just too good. Actually, I can agree with David on the “donation”’s so misused. But, our forefathers tended to be of the more religious thought. I don’t think they intented to force religion on us, but they certainly didn’t intend that the government would remove all vestidges of Christianity from the public venue. That’s a modern day philosophy, and sometimes I think much to the detriment of our society. I think it’s important that we maintain a conciousness of God, and I think the sinful, selfish state of our nation today runs parallel to the continual removal of God from our schools, courts, etc.
That was in response to Aunt Sharon…Uncle Dan beat me to the next post. 🙂
And in no way am I advocating “the sinful, selfish state of our nation today”, I just don’t think curing that problem is by legislating religion…that’s what “loving thy neighbor” is for. 😉
Can I have some of the donations, please???
What was it our founding fathers used to build the foundation of America????
Hmm..well, let’s see. The Magna Carte comes to mind. Amongst many other things, including their religious beliefs. The one thing I do notice is that the Bill of Rights is not a copy of the 10 commandments.
I think the sinful, selfish state of our nation today runs parallel to the continual removal of God from our schools, courts, etc.
Gotta disagree on that one. Just a quick look back in time shows that long before Ms. O’Hare brought her case we had: slavery, public lynchings, severe cocaine addiction problems (ever heard of Coca Cola?), out of wedlock pregancy rates amongst the teens of the colonial days was HIGHER than today, union leaders stole from workers, companies hired goons to knock off union leaders so they could steal from workers, massive alcohol addiction (ever hear of Prohibition?) and on and on. Suffice to say that sin has been around a while; I don’t think that having our school teachers pray publicly put a dent in it.
it’s no different than what “they†do “over there.â€
And it amazes me that we aren’t more aware of that, with so many examples weekly. And, BTW, what did virgins do to deserve their fate?
Yes, we too, have done many many things in the name of religion or to honor God…slavery being the worse offense here.
NW hit the nail on the head…we are doing the same thing such a bit more subtle.
Prayer in the school might not make much of a dent in sin control but I can assure you if you talk to a teacher, they would welcome the return of prayer and DISCIPLINE….
We are still one nation UNDER GOD…the definition of that is rather ambiguous though…
I can assure you if you talk to a teacher, they would welcome the return of prayer and DISCIPLINE….
I suppose it would depend upon the teacher. Discipline would perhaps be unanimous (never know). But the prayer question would certainly not be. Again, it goes back to the question of whose prayer should be observed? Are you saying that any and all prayer is acceptable? I used a racist example above but lets try another one or two. What about the prayers of Bubba the redneck down in Georgia, who has to remove the hood over his head before bowing? Or, Mary up in Maine, who must stop stirring her cauldron? Or Tom Cruise, who must stop the mothership? Or Louis Farrakhan? Or perhaps a member of the NAG’s? Or a member of NARAL? The point is, where does it start and stop? I seem to recall something about giving to Ceasar what is Ceasar’s, is that where separation of church/state originates?
“And, BTW, what did virgins do to deserve their fate?”
Indeed! LOL!! Maybe it’s because I don’t live in a desolate 3rd world country, but I’m gonna question the motives of anybody who promises me **ahem** in exchange for exploding myself on a bus.
“Or Tom Cruise, who must stop the mothership?”
LOL!! (again) Talk about people who should wear a back pack that goes “boom”… 😉