and Perfomancing this morning. IE7 and Live Writer are close but FF just feels a bit more comfortable. I’ll deal with the ftp lockup for now but continue to use IE7/Live Writer occasionally.
Picked up a novel by Dean Koonce called Forever Odd, a sequel to his Odd Thomas novel. Wacky stuff and some of Koonce’s best writing. Odd is completely written in first person and is chock full of levity and deep thought. Weird but it works for me. Nice change of pace and makes me think of how life is so full of creativity that gets buried in the everyday pace of our society. I think perhaps I’ll pull a few quotes out of this book and post them sometime.
One example of this is Mr. Dude, who left a brief comment on BigJolly yesterday. I “met” him through his comments on Lonestartimes, a once nobel thought that has pretty much degenerated into a moan and groan gripe session amongst like thinkers. Anyways, I clicked his name which linked me to his website called Akelas Biggins and what did I find? Yet another blog about politics? NO!!! A music site. Wow. Seems Mr. Dude is a musician and has a life. Cool. I listened to a few samples (check out the dissonance between the bass runs and melody in Ethos) and my spirit was lifted. Creativity is alive and well in this old world.
Yes, there is a need to have public discourse on policy and to debate the various positions between us. But, by golly BigJolly, there is also a pressing need to be creative and to show each other that life is supposed to be fun! So go have some fun today and share it with someone. In other words, make someone smile today and your heart will be lifted. Thanks, Mr. Dude! I think I’ll go take Zeus for a hike and then pull out Big Ugly and strum a few chords.
Hey! Thanks for the props Bigjolly. We haven’t put any new music on there in a bit due to spending our time lately on Christmas music. It’s not my favorite holiday either (largely for the same reasons you state), but we’re doing the music for my son’s last Cub Scout pack meeting of the year. After the end of year holiday frenzy, we’ll be (as Chuck Barris used to say on the gong show) back with more stuff. Thanks for reading and listening.