to the week at work, business has increased substantially. Along with the heat. Whew, it was downright hot yesterday morning!
During lunch yesterday, I began preparations for this weeks lesson, which will cover the “fruit” called peace. Might be an interesting topic or it might just fall flat. Never thought too much about it – what is peace exactly? Lots of adjectives can be used but when you get right down to it, perhaps to me it signifies calm trust. Maybe. We’ll have to see how it progresses through the week.
Went out visitin’ with Pop last night, two visits, both home. First was a couple that has come to our class twice, although the first one doesn’t count because that’s when JM took a dive. They were back this week so we took them a welcome wagon. Dude has very strange eyes, a stare that looks, I don’t know, through you? Over you? Around you? Kinda disconcerting. They seem like a nice couple, perhaps they’ll come again. First thing he said was, “I didn’t know churches had visitation any longer”. Yeah, I guess it is sorta quaint. Next visit was a family over in Laporte that had visited in February. First thing out of the mom’s mouth was “we haven’t been back but we sure need to”. Well, come on down.
After that I went over a guy in my class’s house to strum a few chords, He just bought a guitar and hasn’t a clue. I had told him to take it to Lone Star and let Jim or Mik set it up properly but his buddy at work convinced him that the guitar was fine. Suffice to say that after playing mine, he’s headed to the shop. It is a nice guitar and has a good sound but ALL guitars should be setup correctly. That’s why so many people give up and quit playing, it is just too hard to play a stock, off the shelf guitar. I build the price into any guitar I buy, it just isn’t worth it to mess around with a guitar that will give you bloody fingers trying to play it. Anyways, it was a good time and I learned more about him and what drives him to come to church. But as a replacement for JM while he’s out on materity leave, he’s not.
Not much else happenin’ right now. 1 is hanging in there, 2 is about to finish her first year at The University, SIL has been working so much I don’t see her, BIL’s hands are still not functioning properly, SC is still recovering from knee surgery, haven’t heard from BD, BT or SSu, SSh is rolling along, the Popster turns 80 in a couple of weeks and SU is just about perfect. Give me a few more years to work on her and I’ll have just about where I want her. Late.
SSh is barely rolling along…pinched nerve…at peace with misery…calm trust..I am where I need to be!
Smart decision to have guitar strung properly! Saves fingers!