ago and informed me that yet another of his friends had passed away. I could tell from his voice that this one hurt, even though he knew for months that it was coming. It must be very difficult as you age to feel your bodily functions decline, to feel your status in the community or at work decline, to see your longtime friends move on to be with the Lord Jesus Christ.
I imagine that, even armed with the sure knowledge that you will see Christian friends again, it is very lonely to go through it, especially without your helpmate beside you. To know that, short of the second coming, your life too is coming to a close must lead to a sobering mindset.
And as he sees fewer and fewer tasks at work thrown his way, he knows that too is ending. After 4 score years upon the earth, with 3 score and 3 serving the Lord as pastor, evangelist, street minister, juvenile home operator, associate pastor – he still has so much to offer, so much to teach.
One of the tragedies of our society is the lack of respect we give our elders. It could be said that America wouldn’t be so fast paced without this ethic and I suppose there is truth to that, but I wonder where America would be if we, as a society, had maintained the system of respect for our elders that is mentioned in the Bible? I feel blessed to be able to share small amounts of time with him, doing the Lord’s work. I can honestly say that, without his leadership, I wouldn’t be doing my small part in God’s plan today. I have learned so much on our visitation nights over the past year that I can’t wait to learn more.
Will you pray for him? I will.
Sharon says
Thanks for this info…I will continue to pray for Pop…