and this is a surprise? What is surprising is that a study had to be done in the first place. C’mon people! I could’ve told you that for free. And so could anyone else that has spent about 30 seconds thinking about it. Good grief. Anyways, this is documented in an article on Beliefnet – Conservatives are More Generous.
religious conservatives donate far more money than secular liberals to all sorts of charitable activities, irrespective of income.
And check out this quote:
“For too long, liberals have been claiming they are the most virtuous members of American society. Although they usually give less to charity, they have nevertheless lambasted conservatives for their callousness in the face of social injustice.”
This is not new information, folks. Nor is this:
The book’s basic findings are that conservatives who practice religion, live in traditional nuclear families and reject the notion that the government should engage in income redistribution are the most generous Americans, by any measure.
What’s surprising is not the conclusions but that it is actually printed. Can’t wait to see the left’s bashing start.
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