federal debit card. You know, the $2,000 that FEMA gave to everyone so that they could have cash to get “back on their feet”. Seems like a few of them have been using the money to get off their feet and on the backs, if you get my drift. Check it out here.
I sure am glad that the refugees are just plain old good people. Certainly, we must allow them to be in charge of rebuilding New Orleans, just like shrub and nogginhead say. Of course, are they any worse than good ‘ol conservative Christian Haley Barbour, Governor of Mississippi, who acted like he was trying to get the poll position at the Indy 500 the way he raced to sign the bill allowing casinos more “flexibility” in locating on land? Gotta hurry up and get them back in business so the govt can function.
What is this country coming to? Man, what a downer when you think about politics. At least the guys spending our tax money on strippers are having a good time.
I’ll take the $2,000!!! And I promise, I won’t spend it on strippers or booze!! LOL
It is truly sad when our government depends upon taxes from gambling, booze, strippers, etc. to function! Whatever happened to “IN GOD WE TRUST?”