a change is in the wind? That is what I’ve been thinking about for a week or so, something is going to change in my (our) life. I’m not sure what it is, the news about #1 could be it but I don’t think so. I suppose that it could be a part of the change or even why I feel like there is going to be a change. Time will tell – you can’t stop time, now can you?
Driving in to work today, the sunrise was spectacular. One of those art magazine photographs, infinite shades of orange/black. Awesome. What a way to start the day!
The weekend seemed to blow by again. I didn’t make it to church last night, just sat around and read my latest book, The Broker by John Grisham. I had intended to make it down to Katie’s to listen to the jam session but I just wanted to chill instead. Our men’s class was really good – topic was faith/salvation in Romans 10. LH spoke up a lot, that was unusual, I guess the questions were pertinent to his experience. JM didn’t make it (nor did BIL) so I was solo on the guitar. Only a couple of fumble fingers this time, not too bad. Downloaded the chords for Away in a Manger and Silent Night yesterday, fairly easy, guess we’ll do those next week.
Well, I suppose I had better get this desk cleaned off. Looks like I left a lot of things from last week undone……..Late.
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