that I’m taking a turn (slight though it may be) to the left, those putzes (no, I don’t know how to spell that) send me right back to the right side of the road. The drivel these clowns spew forth is well beyond the twilight zone. I went over to DU to peruse the opinions of the other side and there we go again: it is Bush’s fault that London was bombed. If only we had not attacked Iraq, this would never have happened. Such nonsense. How can I, a generally liberal person that votes Republican primarily because of the abortion debacle, join hands with people who have no sense of reality? Whose political spokesmen are Ted Kennedy, Charles Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and Barbara Boxer?
Now, I’ll be the first to admit that I haven’t a clue about what the right course of action is, both from that point of view of a citizen and the pov of a Christian. Now, from a pure citizens’ view, I’d have to agree with those that say fighting the terrorists on foreign soil is better than fighting them on our soil. From my Christian pov, that is hard to accept, given that I know we are intentionally creating violence and death on other innocent people. It is a quandary for me, something I think about frequently.
Strictly speaking, the plan has worked. We haven’t been attacked on our soil. Not sure that our policy is the entire cause, but it does seem to be an indicator. Pity the British but we are safe. Man, that sounds strange. And what about the Iraqi’s?
Back to the DU idiots and their ilk, it is no wonder that they are on the losing side of politics. At least for now. Unfortunately, as the global trade imbalance causes more citizens of the US to fall below a sustainable economic level, the influence of these people will increase. Much as Hitler was able to obtain power in Germany after WWI, so too will the left be able to use economic problems to scapegoat conservatives. As in, religious conservatives, because there really aren’t any others. Remember, the Jews were relatively well off in Germany, hence the attraction to the lower class for blaming them for the economic problems the country was experiencing.
What is the answer? I don’t know, other than to realize that I don’t know and let God do His thing. Late.
Sorry, I don’t agree with those that say it is Bush’s fault that London was targeted this time. Whose fault was it when the U.S. was targeted?
You are absolutely right when you say God will do his thing. We are all in His hands.