no scheduled funerals in Texas for American soldiers. Very good news indeed. After 2 funerals in 3 days and 3 funerals in 6 days in the Houston area alone, it is encouraging to see a blank calendar.
Got home well after the sun went down last night and was chilled to the bone. Man, once the darkness sets in the temps really drop quickly. When I made it to the house, SU had dinner prepared and a couple of old friends were there. We had a nice evening, it was really good to see them. RSu is now the pastor of a small church near Dayton and seems truly happy. SU is going to do women’s retreat there in March and I’ll get to do the music. Cool.
JM is going to make his way to the trailer on Thursday to show me his new guitar and amp. I took my Carvin Custom in for a little work last week. Picked it up Friday and it is just as awesome as it used to be. Carvin is about the best value I’ve found in electrics, hard to beat the price/performance. As is the norm for me, mine is butt ugly and goes well with Big Ugly, my beat up 1991 black Taylor 615. I think being ugly adds to the tone.
Rode the Marauder in to work again, although I couldn’t get out of bed when the alarm went off this morning. Slept an extra hour. Light week at work so not a problem.
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