And home in time to prepare dinner for the SU. Not bad. It will take some time getting used to the MUCH slower pace, but I think I can handle it. Perhaps we can pick up the pace with increased business. Later. Much later. This will be nice. Sweat and all.
I see lots of possibilities here, totally not work related. Time. The one thing that everyone has exactly the same amount of. Time. Of course, some of us have more available time due to socio-economic conditions, but that is for another day. Today, it is just about time.
Also, it turns out that there is an awful lot of land at the new company that needs to be developed. As in, how about a pit? Huh? What about a fishing pole? Come on, the river runs through it could be the name. And no pole? No pit? I’ll look totally redneck in my new hat with a pole while I’m manning the pit!
These guys don’t have a clue what they’ve gotten themselves into!
So, how did the 2nd day go? Still contemplating the pit?
Well, it’s now the 3rd day and I’m still around. Must say my feet aren’t very happy though! And yeah, I’ll get the pit, these boys don’t know brisket. One of ’em brought in a steamed brisket today and thought it was great. Oh, the shame!