How’s about that? One week down, who knows how many more to go. All in all, a pretty good start to a new job. Didn’t do much but observe and try to get the “picture” developed in my mind. Very different than any job I’ve had in at least 20 years. Probably comes closest to a small plant I ran in the mid 80’s. We are making chemicals to prevent mold from growing in grain silos or ship holds. The poultry industry seems to be the largest market, although it is very early in the game for me to have a really accurate feel for that.
I was able to be home before 4:30 pm every day this week, cooked 4 out of 5 days (just HAD to go to El Toro once!). I will be investing in some new shoes or working on my old ones, my feet sure took a beating. There’s a little bit of weight on them small bones!
I’ll be traveling to the home office the week of the 11th for more training and to meet and greet more people. As suspected, the margins are very thin so we will have to push more lbs. through if we want to increase profits. We’ll start working on that pretty quick.
Well, I’m a bit tired now, it is really tough rushing home to jump in the pool every day! Or is it because I’m cooking…….
Good for you….sounds as though you have enjoyed this new challenge..and I am sure the SU is enjoying the home cooked meals these days!
Must be walking around a lot! Looking for a pit site??
Good look with your product marketing challenge!
You can do this!