about all I can focus on lately is politics and the joke our politicians have become. Not sure why this is, but even when I try to focus on something else, I return to surfing the political headlines, just amazed at what I’m seeing. Of course, it is an election year, so the hypocrisy is going to be far worse than normal, maybe that is what’s pulling me in this direction.
Take immigration. I’m beginning to believe this isn’t about the illegals at all (from a political standpoint, certainly it is from a citizen’s perspective). I think I’m starting to see that it is basically a way for the politicians to increase the welfare class, thereby reinforcing their political power. Why else would the Senate want to increase our population by more than 10% in 20 years from immigration alone? Nothing about this makes sense unless you consider that low income people, who as a rule do not pay income taxes, will always vote to take money away from those who do. And who doles out that money? Politicians, both left (traditionally) and right (as they have proven over the past 14 years). Listening to Sen. Lindsay Graham, R., S.C., makes me want to scream. Poor Tyson Foods just can’t find enough Americans to slaughter the hogs in his state for $5.15 an hour. And check out Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger ordering troops to the border in California after making certain that they couldn’t do anything. That guy has flipped on so many issues he should have been the star of Flipper instead of Conan. Or our very own Gov. Rick Perry, putting up cameras so that I can sit at my computer and look for illegals, then call an 800 number so that the troops can run out and get them. This after he just signed the largest tax increase in the history of the State of Texas. And hasn’t done diddly squat about illegals in his term. And hasn’t had a hair out of place the entire 6 years. Don’t like Molly Ivins much but she’s been around long enough to have a point or two (or three or four).
Okay, enough immigration stuff, let’s talk about that really, really pressing issue, gay marriage. Yep, that’s right, it’s election time again and it’s time to get them thar religious right folks stirred up again, Wally! Why, if we don’t stop them dang people from huggin’ and kissin’ on each other, the worlds gonna end. Right now, today. What a crock of you know what. I agree that marriage should be between a man and a woman. And I agree that allowing any other type of union to have legal rights is bad for our country. But guess what? It was bad 20 years ago. It was bad 18 years ago. And 16. And 14. Are you seeing a pattern here? Hmm, even numbered years. Why, isn’t that when we have elections? Oh, yes, of course it is. Meanwhile, during the odd numbered years, well, they are odd after all. And we’ve money to spend, Wallace! Yes. Does anyone really think that this is the saving grace of the Repubs? Apparently the Shrub does. So get ready for the commercials, Mary Sue.
Not this time, Shrubster. Republicans will LOSE the Congress this fall because of you and because of their own inability to follow the will of the American people. So, Shrub, Frist, Perry, whomever – stop, look, listen. There is probably still time to change course because Americans are by nature a forgiving people but it is dwindling by the second.
Bigjolly for Congress! Nice sound don’t you think???
Not nearly as cool as Bigjolly appearing tonight at Anderson Fair!
Either would be fun! Go for it!