interesting day yesterday. Big news at work was the tarantula we found walking around the tanks. I don’t know much about tarantula’s but I think I’ll keep my distance from him and be on the lookout for any cousins he may have around here! Wow, that’s a scary looking bug.
Headed down to Katie’s last night to listen to the Groove King’s, Jim Fulton’s band. Hung out for a couple of hours, there was no one there. Well, almost no one, less than 10 people for sure. He has a little black guy playing the bass and it was the biggest electric bass I’ve ever seen. 7 stringer, huge neck, huge body, LOOOONG guitar. Made the little black dude look even smaller. Overheard a couple of guys talking and heard this classic line:
What are friends for if you don’t use them? Even if it’s wrong.
Never heard it put better – no wonder people shy away from finding new “friends”.
And, on a related note, we have this story from the twilight zone:
Yep, that would prove it to me. Late.
Sharon says
Good point about “new” friends….fear of being used…sad isn’t it?