but it ended on a high note.
Spent most of the day removing wallpaper, still have a few centuries of work to go. Unbelievable. My heart was elsewhere, there was a Patriot Guard ride that I wanted to make but have to get this done somehow. The house is a total wreck.
But the evening was great. Went over to a couples house from church for barbecue and fellowship. Ended up staying for over three hours, a very long time for the normally anti-social bigjolly. Just had a good time.
Get to lead the worship services today, that should be fun. Today is SU’s last day as a teacher for awhile, she’s going to take at least a three month break and then go from there. Everyone needs a rest from time to time.
The interesting thing about that is that we are going to be discussing our life calling this morning. I learned a lot this week and found an interesting view of spiritual gifts that I hadn’t considered before. I’ll have to think about it for awhile but the gist of this view is that the only gifts there are are laid out in Romans, while the traditional ones in 1 Corinthians are things that enable us to carry out the ones in Romans.
When I first read it, it was like my mind opened up and said, Yes! The more I studied it using various texts and commentaries, confusion reigned. Like I said, have to think about that.
Sharon says
Commentaries and other writers views are good resources…when we allow the Holy Spirit to reveal His message from the Word…..WOW!!