when I called the trailer to see if SU beat me home – 2 answered! She thumbed a ride with a friend and came to visit! How cool is that? Way. So I fired up the grill, seared a bit of bovine flesh and had a good evening. They wanted to watch a movie, I wanted to hear live music. Guess who won that one? Ha, both.
I went down to Redbox and picked up 2 movies for them, the new Rocky and The Prestige. Then I took off to Anderson Fair to check out Tom Prasada-Rao and Cary Cooper, a husband-wife team calling themselves the Dreamsicles. Never heard them before but I was Jonesin’ and they were in a smoke-free atmosphere.
Hmm. What can I say? It was interesting. Yeah, that’s a good word. Need to work a little on their stage presence but not too bad. Had a Canadian girl named Lauren Lapointe open for them. Pretty voice but a dime a dozen, ya know?
Tom was born in India but quickly moved to Ethiopia. Has a unique way of playing his Breedlove, sounds cool. Ran it through a delay for certain, not sure what else. Anyways, some of his tunes are cool. Way cool. His wife was okay, again, a dime a dozen. Didn’t care too much for her bashing conservatives and our values but that’s the norm with “artists” and I’m pretty used to it.
Anyways, took my little stealth recorder, thing works great.
Lauren Lapointe-podcast [audio:Lauren.mp3]
The Dreamsicles-podcast [audio:Tom Prasada-Rao.mp3]
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