night to listen to a few jams. Shouldn’t have wasted my time, it was really bad. Jim and the boys started off okay but I’ve heard them so many times, it just isn’t fresh. As usual, they started late, pushing the jammers back. Then they took a 35 minute break between their opening and the first jammer. Which was some dude older than the hills playing his brand new LP copy. Doesn’t get much worse than that. The next guy up was a “vocalist”, in other words, he can’t play an instrument but he can front a band. Not. So I left early.
Got home and browsed around the net a bit. Some of the opinions of people about Christianity amaze me. I don’t understand how someone can be so bitter with their life that they amuse themselves by continuously disparaging people that try to follow what they believe. I mean, aren’t there other things in the world for them to worry about besides church goers? Reading their comments, you’d think not.
Had to laugh at another attack on Christians this morning as I was driving in the rain to the plantation. Listening to Bill Press on Sirius left to see what’s bugging him this week and, you guessed it, Christians. He was so proud that Obama made a speech blasting the right-wing evangelicals. Guess Obama’s poll numbers are plateauing and he needed ink (or pixels?). Gosh, those darn evangelicals dare say that Democrats don’t believe in God. Why, the Dems faith is just as valid as the Republicans. What an argument, eh?
The funniest part was that his first caller after this diatribe about the left having just as much faith as the right was an atheist. Cracked me up. The guy said that belief in a God was tantamount to mental illness because if you can trick your mind into having faith in God, you can trick it into belief in anything. Bill stumbled around a bit but ended up agreeing with the guy that we should follow the European model where people that believe in God are few and far between. Nothing like listening to lefties to return you to reality.
All the problems in the US are related to Falwell, Robertson and Dobson. Were it not for them, we wouldn’t have so much bickering and fighting going on. And we wouldn’t have invaded Iraq. You know, it’s a crime for someone to say that you should try to lead your life based upon the words of Jesus.
I don’t much like those three guys and the way they mixed the church and politics. Or the church and commercialism. But to think that those three are worse enemies of the state than the welfare system, moral depravity and greed is just plain stupid. I guess the new model for how churches should be run is Copperfield Church, whose pastor, Larry Womack, spent the weekend honoring a guy that “raps” a “song” about how he wants to defecate on the face of a young woman. Maybe Obama can speak there.
Do you realize how much “faith” it takes to believe that stuff? WOW!!!!
The Father says don’t sweat it. He says to remember that they hated him first before they hated us.
One of the oldest tricks in the world to make oneself feel better is to disparage someone else. Jesus says that our war is against principalities in high places and not against the flesh.
Think about this for a second. They are dead in Christ. If that is so then who is working through them? Check out Ephesians 2: 1-3 It really explains much about what is going through there minds and even more so reminds me of where I came from. And yet even more so the truth of “But by the Grace of God there go I.” becomes a realization of the power of Jesus in my life.
As “the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient” works through them, Jesus is also knocking on the hearts door asking to be let in. There choice is to lash out at the only visible object of Christ that they have, Christians and our beliefs.
Your words reflect much of what we discussed this week in class. 2 Cor 4:3-4 say much the same as Eph 2:1-3.
And this
has given me much pause lately. Why was I blessed to be born in America? If I chose not to believe that it was because I have a Creator that needed to use me here, I’d go nuts with all sorts of guilt. Which is what I think I see in some of those that continue to berate Christians.
They look at the devastation of the people of the Congo, where millions have died mining tin ore for our use in cellphones. Or the garbage dump cities that people have to live in to subsist so that we might have cheap goods. Or the Mexican peasant that can no longer afford to buy corn for tortillas because of an idiotic policy to relieve global warming. And on and on.
But, I have a purpose. I may not always fulfill it correctly but at least I know that I have one.