The recent LARGE tax increase by the Republicans in control of the State of Texas not only flies in the face of conservative logic, now it seems as though cancer patients will have to wait longer for medicine. And Little Johnny might not have his vaccination this year.
The Houston Chronicle is reporting that doctors who wish to keep an inventory of medicine will be taxed heavily on it because of the new tax bill. Check out the following quote from the article:
Also, because of how deductions are handled in the bill, medical practices that stockpile expensive chemotherapy products to treat cancer patients or vaccines for childhood immunizations will be hit hard.
Now, it could be that the Chron got this wrong, they aren’t exactly known as big dispensers of truth. But if they got it right, man o’ man, I can’t wait to see the election ads. Hmm, wonder what some good lines would be:
- Thanks, Gov. Perry! I still have my hair because I can’t get chemotherapy! Of course, there is the little matter of cancer in my body, but hey, what the heck! I have my hair!
- Unlike your current representative, I’ll make sure that Little Johnny has his vaccine! Vote for me!
- Welcome to Texas, home of new taxes and no medicine!
I wouldn’t want to be an incumbent this year. Late.
Yep….a switch of a coupla vowels and Texas becomes taxes! Sad isn’t it!
Perhaps Gov Perry (who unfortunately will win again) needs to suffer a bit to understand what his government is doing….not that I would wish him ill will…he needs to learn reality for millions of folk not just the reality of his comfort zone.
Shame on this legislature. Be sure to vote against an incumbent this year….