what those poor folks over in East Texas and SW La are going through right now. Just happens to be record heat on top of everything. The complete and utter destruction in Cameron is unbelievable, just like parts of Mississippi. I just can’t help wondering, what if…….
Life continues to slowly return to normal. Most stores and restaurants are open even with limited supplies and employees. Isn’t it funny how the most valuable people during the return were the people most often looked down upon? Convienence store workers, cafeteria workers, grocery store workers, etc. Just goes to show how our society is interwoven and depends upon the framework of distribution and service.
Still no internet at work which makes for an inconvienent day. Ha, what am I thinking? I could be living in Lake Charles. Or Beaumont. Or Port Arthur. Or Cameron. But what the hay, this is my universe and I’m inconvienenced. Late.
I’m not sure if it was my lack of sleep or what, but I could swear that during the marathon news coverage on one of the local stations I heard some people, who were some of the hardest hit by Rita, say something shocking. It wasn’t “We need help…when is somebody gone come ‘n help us” as they’re holding out their hand(s) wanting money. Nope – it was more shocking than that! They said to the reporter “I’m not waiting around for FEMA or some other agency to help me – I’m helping myself…this community is helping ourselves & helping each other.” They further went on to say they’d accept any help offered, but weren’t waiting for any.
Did anyone else hear that? Was it a dream or could there really be hard-working, average folks out there that aren’t always looking for a handout? If it is true, all I can say is WOW! What a refreshing change…Later
I didn’t hear that but it is a refreshing change to hear something like that!
My store reopened Sunday morning and I went in after church. Kroger is shipping “standard” orders to us so that everyone has the same amount for customers.
We will probably have a huge amount of returns from all the people who freaked and bought out the place! I say, if it doesn’t spoil, keep it or donate it to a local food bank!
You heard right, Bro3…there are actually people who are not depending on the government to rebuild or to help them…these are the old fashioned people…the backbone of America! Yipee…and most are from Texas!! What a shock for East Texas to be so whipped up by Rita! 17 counties still without power…and the heat index hit 117 degrees yesterday in the piney woods!
Yep, we are truly blessed here in South Texas!