the Marauder, put on my Frogg Toggs and chance the weather again this morning. And was rewarded handsomely, no rain and this sunrise:
Sometimes I’m just amazed at the beauty of creation. And the cool thing about digital photography is the way the sensors respond to underexposure. It would have been hard to capture these colors on regular film. Perhaps slides but still…..
Checking my blog stats last night I came across a search link that included Telewink. When I clicked on the link, the only entries that came up were mine and one from Orthodixie, a blog by an Easter Orthodox pastor. As I was browsing around it, I realized how little I know about other sects of Christianity. For instance, I cannot comprehend confession to a priest, it just doesn’t compute. Nor do I understand the theology of Mary, especially that she was/is a perpetual virgin. Just doesn’t make sense to me. I mean, any study of modern translations (derived from earlier, more reliable manuscripts) will quickly point to Jesus’ siblings and there is no longer any question of whether they were “cousins”.
After reading more of the sight, most of the “theology” surrounding Mary is based upon “dogma”, which is defined as “family secrets”. Very strange to me, having been raised to not trust anything that is not in the Bible when it comes to things spiritual. But I can see the pull for mystical, secret rituals – doesn’t everyone want to know a secret?
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