is on illegal aliens and the US-Mexico border, things like this must stop: More than 50 Illegal Immigrants Found in Home
Hollenbeck said most of the migrants had been held in the house from two to eight days. Many were hungry and thirsty and hadn’t bathed in days. None of them requested medical attention and none showed signs of physical abuse.
We repeatedly see stories like this or worse yet, stories of people coming to the US for economic freedom that die from heat exhaustion, starvation or asphyxiation.
It is so easy to think only about the negative economic impact that illegals are placing upon us and to forget that they are, for the most part, just fellow travelers in this world, seeking the best for their families. We need to make a choice in the US, a choice for today, a choice for the future.
Either close the borders or eliminate them. We cannot continue to allow humans to suffer like this.
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