switch for my computers. It’s called a KVM switch, standing for keyboard, video and mouse. You attach your keyboard, monitor and mouse to the switch housing; the housing has two leads running from it. You attach these leads to the video and usb ports of 2 computers, then off you go. Right now while typing this, I’m using the quad booted into PCLOS and the G4 Mac at the same time. Push the scroll lock key twice and bam!, I switch between the two. Way cool. The switch I bought also has an audio port, so the audio switches as well. Like I said, way cool.
Church was good today. I thought that JM and I played pretty much in sync. The practice I had over the weekend at the women’s retreat certainly helped. I also enjoyed the class part, there were a couple of interesting insights today. I also thought that the singing with RSa went well, although KS wasn’t able to make it. The pastor talked about the importance of going to church. Once again, he talked about money, as in, it is okay to talk about money at church, every other organization you are involved in asks for it. I suppose that this means that the traditional once a year emphasis on money is now out the window. I was also disappointed to hear that the youth are having a Disciple Now program (which I like and is a good thing) but are changing it by renting hotel rooms. Because they don’t think there will be enough volunteers to help host and transport. What kind of church are we trying to build?
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