I’ve been chasing my tail lately. You know, running around in circles. Although I have accomplished a few things, so that is probably the wrong illustration. Just seem busy.
Let’s see:
- Started a new bible study, Prayerwalking.
- Put out our first class newsletter.
- Changed ISP’s for my hosting sites, including MBC.
- Got a new site for MBC up and running.
- Sent SC a get well card as requested (now that is planning ahead).
Hmm, more on most later. For now, the ISP switch was more of a hassle than it should be. Why can’t they make that easier? I know, they will, just remember what it was like last year. Kind of like when you were a kid and your parents tell you how they had to walk 10 miles through 8 feet of snow to get to school, so thank your lucky stars for the school bus. Yeah, yeah.
So, MBC is up and running but I haven’t been able to get the blog software to run, so I just might be off the air for a while next week. Bummer but I haven’t had much to say anyways. If anyone knows how to best configure phpsuexec under Apache/Linux for WordPress, give me a shout. Late.
Susan says
You’ll get the site up and running. You always do.
Talked to SC yesterday–they had just given her some more pain stuff so didn’t talk long. She seems to be doing pretty good and talked about they might let her go home today instead of Thursday. Hopefully, this will be the last surgery for a while. Everything did go well and they didn’t find anything else so—-.