that it is amazing the way BIL has recovered. I went by his home yesterday and spent about an hour with him. We took a walk down to the bay and out on one of the piers, just enjoying the weather and life. The only remaining visible problem is in his ring and pinkie fingers on both hands. He can move them but it is very difficult and painful. This too shall pass. He’s such a good musician that he was playing the guitar with only two fingers of his left hand, compensating by sliding them to the frets that his other fingers would normally cover. Sounded great. He’s also playing his dulcimer.
I’m not certain that he has been able to grasp all that has happened, why and what the future holds. It must be a strange feeling to know, really know, that every day is a gift. I mean, we all talk about it as a cliche, but most of us don’t really know that to be true. But not only does BIL know this, he also is aware that everyone around him knows it and applies it to him. Can you imagine, every time you get angry or complain, you are reminded by a look that you should be grateful that you are even here? I think that would be a lot of pressure.
It appears that he will be able to return to work next week. Quite remarkable considering that this all started on Saturday evening, Feb. 25th, less than 4 weeks ago. Amazing. Simply amazing.
How easy we forget that we are all HUMAN!!