for a couple of days, just dropped SU off at the airport. This time she’s off to fix a hospital in Florida. I think soon she will be known as the hospital doctor with all the ones she’s having to diagnose and repair.
The past two days she’s been with 1 during her radiation treatments. I think that 1 is handling the situation very well, although it is easy to see the effects of having to be off the control meds for the past 10 days. And she has another 10 to go before starting them again. She’ll be lucky if she averages an hour of sleep a day until then. The good news is that this should start the road to recovery, something I know she will welcome. More good news is that she went to Huntsville to interview for a job at a camp a couple of weeks ago and got her acceptance package in the mail! So, off to camp for the summer. Some would say that it isn’t probably the best time in the world to take that challenge on but hey, the only time we truly have is the present, right? So, more power to her, to me it just shows her determination and willpower.
Been playin’ the Taylor 420 this week. I have 5 guitars in the rotation now, so it’s been a month since I picked it up. For some reason, it really feels good this week, nice, rolling bass and clear midrange. The setup is probably the best, it’s so low it’s like my Telecaster. Or lower. I think I’m going to sell a couple soon, maybe both Epiphones and the Ibanez. Don’t want to sell any of them but it’s fun to get different ones in to play. I’ve noticed that each guitar is very different, both in sound and in playability. I like the wider neck on the Taylor for bar chords, makes them easier. Also played the little Hohner last night, it is starting to open up and sound better, might have to put it in the rotation. Plus it’s kinda cool looking with the open headstock and 12 fret body style. But that means a longer time between the Martin and Taylor!! I tell you, it’s a dilemma.
The pastor assigned me to go with someone other than Pop last night at visitation, gonna talk to him to make sure that doesn’t happen again. Not that I didn’t enjoy it but one of the reasons I go to visitation is to be with Pop, so it defeated the purpose. Anyways, we visited a woman that could literally talk the head off a chicken. Dang. She kept on and on about how the pastor at her currrent church was terrible and running everyone off ’cause all he talked about was money. As we sat in her doublewide. But she likes her Sunday School class and will continue to attend it. But she likes our pastor because he doesn’t talk about money (I accidentally coughed). So she might just come to our service after her Sunday School class. I don’t think her mouth ever stopped moving. Late.
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