SU was able to make it to Abilene. I think that there is a lot of comfort to be had from a Mom, to state the obvious. New doctors were able to tweak the diagnosis and adjust the medications. The short term outlook is bleak, but the future is still wide open for my bright eyed little girl.
Meanwhile, at the ranch in Austin, 2 is doing very well. She’s busy studying and trying to find an internship for the summer. If anyone out there can help with a nationally recognized, progressive publisher, let me know! I promise she’s good.
RS asked me to do a couple of sing-alongs for the Sweetheart breakfast Saturday. I think JM is going to be able to help. Thinking about doing a standard old love song. Wonder how many that would tick off and if they would let me in the door again? I mean, if the pastor can use Garth as an example (think heathen) over and over, would it be so bad if one of Garth’s tunes were used? What if tomorrow never came? Would they know we loved them? If God isn’t about love, what is He about? First things first though, can I play it? Not yet but it’s only Wednesday. And I know the words to the title. Pretty good start right there. Late.
Double dog dare you to sing the song!!
How is #1 doing? Hope all is well.