see the hypocrisy of Republicans on both the state and national levels. It is no secret that I’ve voted Republican for many years, taking the talking points and platform as reality, ignoring the actual governance. Even on my one hardline issue, abortion, they have one thing in the platform and do another thing with legislation. Not to mention immigration and spending.
So here comes our Governor with more new taxes. Unbelievable. Overall, I thought he was one of the better Repubs in his performance, for the most part sticking to the platform But this is outrageous, even for a politician. We have a budget surplus that by anyone’s estimate is a minimum of $6,000,000,000 (that’s a lot of zeros folks) and yet along comes our governor, with the full support of the House, pushing a new tax proposed by a Democrat, John Sharp, “promising” to reduce property taxes to offset it. What a freakin’ joke. Remember when Shrub was governor and he too reduced property taxes while increasing other taxes? Remember that in less than 2 years that the property taxes were back to the same level or higher because the appraisal boards around the state can increase your evaluations up to 30% every 3 years?
Same thing is going to happen here, only worse. There will be minor property tax reductions (Perry and Dewhurst are already squabbling about the reduction amount) that will be wiped out before we even see them.
To further the pain, we’ve got a group paying to swarm the media with misleading ads about it. Turns out this group is financed by business that will will benefit from increased taxes. Thats right, benefit from increased taxes. Now, doesn’t that make you stop and say, hmmm?
The Republican Party is a disaster and will lose power this fall. We all better get used to it – at least Democrats are honest about wanting bigger government, more taxes, socialism, government paid killing of innocent children, restraints on freedom, etc. The Republicans just lie about it.
Sharon says
B2, ever thought about running for office??? You’d be a good one!