is the topic of the month at MSNBC. I especially like the giant rats that eventually run the earth. I’ve always wondered about evolution, read some interesting books on it, especially enjoyed Stephen J. Gould’s study in his book “Baseball and the Theory of Evolution”. In this book, he used basic statistics to explain why that, although there are no longer any .400 hitters in baseball, today’s players are actually better hitters. Interesting reading and it was easy to understand moving the mean higher while the standard deviation got tighter.
Using the same logic, he applied it to our evolutionary existence but deviated in one major way from traditional thinking. The “missing link” has always confounded and confused scientists. Gould simply allows that it was a chance incident, 1 in many billion opportunities, that caused man to be able to reason. Which is the reason we do not need to “see” evolution still taking place today (with chimps becoming human). Most scientists do not agree with him, but it is interesting.
All I know is that I’ve seen a few people that look and act like they could be the missing link. From the manic side, late.
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