evening for a ride! A bit on the muggy side (condensate covered the Marauder all evening) but the heavens were clear, the sunset was awesome and life is so good!
Went to visitation tonight, Pop and I had 2 to see. First one wasn’t home but the second visit was really good. A drug addict named Victor, just out of jail and rehab, trying to keep sober. I can’t imagine how hard that would be, a chemical addiction combined with jail and a divorce all in one. In talking with him, he didn’t have the same opportunity I did to attend church as a child. And hadn’t attended church before jail, where a chaplain explained the gospel to him and he accepted Christ’s grace. So, now he will also be struggling with those snooty people that call themselves Christians, but will look down upon him forever, always questioning his faith.
It isn’t easy for anyone to uphold the life of a Christian and I imagine it is doubly hard for someone in Victor’s position. I’ll be praying for him, will you?
I will join you, Big Jolly, in lifting up Victor daily as he begins his journey to follow Christ.