bi-polar days yesterday, emotions down, then up. My job at the plantation is flexible enough that it allowed me to go on another Patriot Guard mission, this one an airport to funeral home escort for Pfc. Roy Jones, III of Houston.
Emotions are always on edge at these missions, it is truly a sad thing to see such fine young people give their lives up at such a young age. Pfc. Jones was 21 and had just completed his first year in the Army, joining March of 2006. He was assigned tot eh 948th Military Police Company, which hits very close to home given that Hero has survived 3 tours and is on his last leg of this one.
There was an outstanding turnout of riders, especially given the short notice, the midday timing and the fact that their was another mission at basically the same time. In fact, the plane carrying Pfc. Jones had stopped in Conroe a half hour earlier to bring Pfc. Larry Guyton home, so the Houston PGR was scrambling to honor both soldiers. As they will be this Saturday when there are three local funerals scheduled, including Spc. Dan Nguyen.
We had an incredible escort by HPD, leaving Hobby and going north on I-45, the west/south on 59/288. They blocked the freeway to honor this soldier. It is an amazing thing to see traffic stopped in honor of our troops, with no one honking horns as they busily make their way to their final destination. It makes you feel good about the country, hopeful for the future, that when it gets right down to it, Americans can still unite around a common cause.
Ended the day taking Pop to Dinner Bell with SS to celebrate his 81st birthday, then watching the Repubs debate via the internet.
Yes, Americans are still Americans when push comes to shove! God bless America and God bless those who welcome our true “heroes” home.