long way. I had an old P3 based box upstairs and I got a wild hair to try Linux again. I’ve installed and used Linux through the years but always went back to a Windows based system for a lot of reasons, primarily user interface. Well, that reason is gone. I burned an ISO image of Debian on my Windows PC, fired up the extra computer with the CD in place, answered a few questions, then let it install from the net. Wow. Totally smooth install, download speeds much faster than any Windows program ( the DHCP is much more stable) and had a complete system up and running for free. Literally. Web, email, office apps, movies, burners, etc. Totally impressive. I’m blogging this one using Firefox 1.5 with the Performancing extension, same as I do for Windows. Well, if it’s the same, why do it? It’s free! This old machine would barely run under XP, it’s flying right now. The eye candy in the KDE Xwindows system is incredible compared to Windows. The only trouble I had was in getting the ancient 19″ CRT monitor to work right, after that it was nothing.
Way cool. Late.
#1 says
wow dad… you are a nerd… you just proved it!!!! hahaha
Bigjolly says
Gee, what an awesome comment! Just for that, I came home and used Debian apt-get to get the latest kernal beta,, installed it and rebooted (not something you normally do in Linux, unlike Windows). So, take that, you mush. Do you know the meaning of Sophmore????? Hahahaha, you should Google it!
Bigjolly says
Boy, that’ll teach me! I’m rolling back to 2.4, man this beta is sluggish and worst of all, I can’t hear the sound on the videos from http://www.daveweiner.com! I’ll fix it later (under Linux, I don’t have to reinstall, just bootup the old image file!).
Susan says
I’m certainly glad to know that you know what you’re doing! LOL
#1 says
what… you mean wise fool? well… you are just a fool then!!!