There was once a man whose boat sank, marooning him on a desert island. The island was not inhabited by humans but he did his best to recreate his hometown.
Several years passed by and the man began to accept his fate. One day, however, a ship happened upon the island and the captain sent a crew to search the island. Upon finding the man, the captain noted that there were three huts built on the northern shore. The captain asked the man, if you are marooned here alone, why are there three huts? Would not one suffice?
Whereupon the man explained, well, the one in the middle is my home. The one on the right is my church, where I worship. The one on the left is the church I used to go to, but I didn’t like it after a while, I just didn’t feel the Spirit there.
Late. (courtesy of BIL)
He was probably a Baptist!!