gnawed to the quick and my stomach has been in knots all morning. Just got the call that relieved all the tension – 2 made it to The University!
Wow, that was a tense morning. All the news and weather reports over-hyped to such an extent that it is almost impossible to make a decision based upon the facts. Thank goodness for and the accuracy of their forecasts. Around 7:30 this morning, we checked the latest radar and forecasts, then decided that the window in the mid-afternoon would be open long enough for her to make it safely.
After that is was just a matter of sitting on pins and needles, praying like crazy, hoping you made the right decision. Turns out we did.
A lot of life is just like this morning, measuring risk. Too often we err on the side of caution and never learn to fully live. Although this was a very hard morning for her father, it was yet another marker in the life his incredibly bright, driven and talented daughter. Another boost to her confidence and maturity. Calculated risk is not blindly doing what you want, it is taking stock of your ability and applying that to the facts of a situation. God gave us intellect for a reason – to use it. And He gave us prayer for comfort, knowing that in all things, He is faithful and just, merciful and true.
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