where has the time gone? Haven’t posted in a couple of days, it seems much longer. Needed to sort some things out, work through a couple of negatives and not write about them contemporaneously. BTW, that’s good advice for email, type it out, save it as a draft, then re-read it when you have calmed down. It’ll save you a lot of grief in the long run, promise.
Since we are in a slow season here at work, I took the tractor out yesterday to clear some brush. Great way to relieve the mind, just go out and destroy a bunch of stuff. When they say brush hog, believe it. I cleared about 3 acres and about 99% of my stress doing that. Try it sometime, heck, I’ll even let you use our tractor!
Stopped by Lone Star Guitar Shop on the way home and picked up the Epiphone AJ-35. Once again, they did a great job on the setup. I even had them level the frets. Not certain, but I think Mick did this one because it was polished, Jim usually doesn’t polish them. At any rate, now a usable guitar. But alas, no pickup in it, so I’ll have to use a different one in big church on Sunday.
After that, I went and had a cup of coffee with MG, one of the new guys at church. Sat there for a couple of hours talking about anything but church. He wants to go camping or kayaking. Has 2 kayaks so that people don’t have the excuse of not having one when he asks them to go kayaking. Interesting strategy. Being an engineer, he likes to tinker with computers so we talked about that a bit. Being an engineer, he tends to overanalyze everything. Being an engineer that graduated from Aggieland…………….well, you know.
From there, I proceeded to go to JM’s for some guitar practice (once again, MG asked if we ever practiced – this time I had an easy answer!). Went over a couple of new songs, some old ones, shot the ….breeze… for a while, just relaxed. I needed that.
After that, I decided to head over to BH’s to check out what’s up, he hasn’t been to church in a couple of weeks. Before arriving, I checked my voicemail and found one from SU, who informed me that while she was at Pop’s, he noted that I had dropped her from our date night for a couple of guys and did I have a Brokeback Mountain thing going? Obviously, it required a quick change of plans, which was further enforced by the fact that I happened upon her at the signal light as she was leaving Pops. So I managed to get in a little quality time with SU at El Toro. And no, no Brokeback Mountain stuff here. FWIW, Krauthammer has an interesting article on a related topic here.
Busy morning at work, I was able to complete all of my work for next week. By 8:30 am. Where’s the key to that tractor? Late.
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