today, was it good or was it just okay? Started off really nasty weather, from about 5 am until 8:30ish. Sure did affect attendance in class, not altogether a bad thing.
The small class made the discussion a bit more personal. I think that is the norm with me, I tend to open up more about the emotional aspects of a given Bible verse when the group is smaller. Still holding that mask up, I guess. But more of it comes down every day
Anyways, it was an interesting class. The guys that were there also opened up more than usual, really interesting because 2 of them are pretty recent attendees and I don’t know them all that well. One of them, TP, made the observation that he doesn’t want an eternity that is just pleasure, he wants meaningful work. I agree and think that it will be so.
I didn’t like the service at all. It was a patriotic salute and I guess I just wasn’t in the mood to celebrate the greatness of our country today. Certainly it is great but I’d rather not have mixed it in with church today. Been angry anyway and this didn’t help. The pastor talked about radical Islam being our enemy – I wanted scream that our enemy is unseen principalities and spirits. Using people by way of radical Islam, yes. But they aren’t our enemy.
Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle22 is not against flesh and blood,23 but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world rulers of this darkness,24 against the spiritual forces25 of evil in the heavens.26
Since I wasn’t in a great mood after church (and SU didn’t like it much either) we didn’t go to lunch with Pop, choosing to spend some time together to adjust our attitude. We went back to church tonight and the pastor had a very good study of Joshua 10. Hey, you win some, you lose some.
I’ve been enjoying the blog and the posts about your Bible studies. One of these days I’m going to have time to join in and contribute.
Shannon, I hope you do contribute your thoughts on the Bible from time to time. I think that the one thing this country needs to see is men taking the lead in spiritual matters. Especially those that sing! 🙂