of sticks from a needle to get your juices flowing. Or extraction of aliens from your body for that matter. That is the way the day went, at least after I left the plantation.
For a Monday morning, the plantation ran extremely well. I was quite surprised, perhaps I am making a difference, who knows? To be honest though, my mind was elsewhere.
There was a guard ride that I missed today but needed to be elsewhere, at least in my mind. I so regret not being there today.
Thankfully, SU was right by my side, as she always is. It’s funny, she gets embarrassed when I say that on Bigjolly. Says that people will get a skewed perspective of her. Big deal, I say. She’s worth every penny and more.
Did she need to be in the room today, holding my hand as I was an experiment? I suppose not. I would have survived, in a fashion, without her presence. But, I DIDN”T HAVE TO! Isn’t that the point? That we do things for each other that no one else understands? God, I love that girl!
One of the participants in the fray at LST was lamenting about wanting a hero to come into play. Besides the fact that her own son is one, Bonnie Tyler’s “Holding Out for a Hero” came to mind. Where have they gone? I don’t think that they have gone anywhere. I think that hero’s are here today and everyday, surrounding us but we choose not to acknowledge them. We choose to focus instead upon the non-hero’s, the people that have no conviction, no courage.
Who then, is a “hero”? My answer points to those that sacrifice every single day for me. And there are far too many of those to acknowledge. For me. Yes, I’m selfish that way. Not only does the person that asked that question at LST have someone in her life that sacrifices for me, so, too, does my own daughter, 1. And for that I’m grateful.
But in the whole of my life, there is someone that truly is a hero. In my very selfish life that is. For one person was in the room today, holding my hand while scalpels were finding their way around me. Yes, my very own SU. For when is she not there? I’m luvin’ you, little girl.
Hard to say where you begin and I end. You have taught me so much over the years. All I know is that you are all I ever dreamed of in a man. All I ever wanted in a marriage since I really was a “little girl”. I know…A little corny but that is what has made our life together work. You give me much more than I ever give you. Thanks for always taking care of me!
For those who read this comment and want to say “gag me”, I have to be honest, it is simply the fact that God has made all the difference in our Marriage. We truly couldn’t be any happier.
But since it sounds so goofy, that is why I just don’t comment very often.
Dave, lovin you toooooo.
Might be something to that….”and the two shall become one.”
No gagging here SU. Just great admiration for such beautiful honesty.
My trademark phrase is, “Love, Light, Laughter (and tears)”, which to me means “Life to the fullest”. And that is what it sounds like you and Big Jolly share.
My hubby are fortunate enough to have that too with added lightening bolts of political disagreements – but when it’s down to the nitty gritty, we know what truly matters.
God is good and we are blessed.
Thank you for sharing this and PLEASE write more!